Hi Blog Readers!! Thanks for following my blog - or just stopping by! I would like to thank everyone for their recent business. Things are really going great with my bow business - as someone recently stated to me "There's no business like BOW business!" (haha - you have to appreciate a good Broadway show to get that)
I would like to offer 50% off purchases* from www.kateandalli.com with a minimum order of only $5! Please enter the code: KABLOG50 for your 50% discount! Contact me for any questions @ kateandalli@gmail.com
Please feel free to contact me for any custom orders! Back to school specials will be added VERY SOON!
Thanks so much for your continued support - and thanks for keeping me crazy busy lately - I love it! It will be a great idea to keep checking back to my blog - something exciting coming soon!
Mandy (and "Kate and Alli") :)
*tutus and custom orders do not apply at this time